These are the song lyrics as shown in the CD pamphlet, except that here, we have as much space as we want so the text is a bit larger. One note is that when words or phrases are repeated in a song, they aren't repeated in these lyrics. (You know, "Speak, of all loves! Speak, of all loves!" becomes simply: "Speak, of all loves!") Now that we've had our fill of olives (not to mention avocadoes), you can take a look at those lyrics! Use the list below to jump quickly to the song you want.
Puck! | Enchantment #2.5
| Enchantment #3 | Expletive
Deleted | Enchantment #4
Pyramus and Thisby | Puck's
Epilogue / Finale
[Helena:] Demetrius loves your fair.
O happy fair!
Your eyes are lodestars and your
tongue’s sweet air.
More tuneable than lark to shepherd’s
When wheat is green and hawthorn
buds appear.
O happy fair!
Sickness is catching. O were
favor so,
Yours would I catch, fair Hermia,
ere I go;
My ear should catch your voice,
my eye your eye,
My tongue should catch your tongue’s
sweet melody.
O happy fair!
Were the world mine, Demetrius being
The rest I’d give to be to you
O teach me how you look and with
what art
You sway the motion of Demetrius’
O happy fair!
[Hermia:] I frown upon him; yet
he loves me still.
[Helena:] O that your frowns could
teach my smiles such skill!
[Hermia:] I give him curses; yet
he gives me love.
[Helena:] O that my prayers could
such affection move!
[Both:] O happy fair!
[Hermia:] The more I hate, the
more he follows me.
[Helena:] The more I love, the
more he hateth me.
[Hermia:] His folly, Helena, is
no fault of mine.
[Helena:] None but your beauty,
would that fault were mine!
[Both:] O happy fair!
[Bottom:] The raging... rocks
And shiv’ring shocks
Shall break the locks
Of Prison gates,
And Phibbus’ car
Shall shine from far
And make and mar
The foolish fates’.
This was lofty....
...An I may hide my... face,
Let me play Thisby too.
I’ll speak in a small voice:
“Thisne, Thisne!
Pyramus, dear,
Thy lady dear, and
lover dear.”
...Let me play the lion... too.
I’ll roar that I will do
Men’s hearts good to hear me.
I’ll make the Duke say,
“Let him roar again!”
[Quince:] ...and that were enough
to hang us... all!
[All:] Ev’ry mother’s son.
That would surely hang us.
That would hang us all. Ev’ry
mother’s son.
[Bottom:] ...I will discharge it
in either your... straw colored beard...
[Others:] NO!
[Bottom:] Or your orange tawny
[Others:] NO WAY!
[Bottom:] Your purple in-grain
[Others:] UH-UH!
[Bottom:] Your perfit yellow?
[Others:] NO!
[Bottom:] Your french crown-colored
[Bottom:] ...We will meet, and there
we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously.
[All:] We will... meet!
We’ll meet and then rehearse,
Rehearse it most obscenely,
Obscenely and courageous,
But mostly obscenely!
Obscenely we’ll rehearse,
Then we’ll rehearse again.
And if we are courageous,
We’ll all be made MEN!
[Peaseblossom:] Spotted snakes with
double tongue,
You thorny hedgehogs, be not seen;
Newts and blindworms do no wrong
Come not near us, do no wrong to
our Queen.
[All Fairies:] Philomele with melody
O sing in our sweet lullaby,
Lulla, lulla, lullaby now, good
Never harm nor spell nor charm,
Come our lovely lady nigh.
So good night with lullaby, good
[Mustardseed:] Weaving spiders
come not here,
Go hence you long-leg’d spinners,
[Fairies:] Beetles black, approach
not near:
Not worm or snail, do no offense
to our Queen!
[Mustardseed:] Hence away! Now
all is well.
One aloof stand sentinel.
[Oberon:] What thou seest when thou
dost wake.
Do it for thy true love take;
Love and languish for his sake.
Be it ounce or cat or snake,
Pard or boar with bristled hair
In thy eye that shall appear
When thou wak’st, it is thy dear.
Wake when some vile thing is near.
[Puck:] Through the forest
have I gone,
But Athenian found I none
On whose eyes I might approve
This flower’s force at stirring
Night and silence! Who is
Weeds of Athens he doth wear.
This is he (my master said)
Despised the Athenian maid;
And here the maiden sleeping sound
On the dank and dirty ground.
Pretty soul, she durst not lie
Near this lack-love, this kill-courtesy.
Churl, upon thy eyes I throw
All the pow’r this charm doth owe:
When thou wak’st let love forbid
Sleep his seat on thy eye-lid.
So awake when I am gone,
For I must now to Oberon.
7. Blessed and attractive eyes
[Helena and follow-fairy:]
O, I am out of breath in this fond
The more my prayer the lesser is
my grace.
Happy is Hermia where so e’er she
For she hath blessed and attractive
How came her eyes so bright?
Not with salt tears, not tears.
If so, my eyes are oft’ner washed
than hers,
For she hath blessed and attractive
No, No! I am ugly as a bear,
And beasts that see me run away
for fear.
Therefore no marvel though Demetrius
Do as a monster fly my presence
What wicked and dissembling glass
of mine
Made me compare with Hermia’s sphery
For she hath blessed and attractive
Speak, of all loves
*Music by Jesse P. Howard and
Laurel Stewart
Lysander, what removed? Lysander,
What, out of hearing, gone?
No sound, no word?
Alack, where are you? Speak,
an’ if you hear,
Speak, of all loves! I swoon
almost with fear.
No, then I well perceive you are
not nigh.
Either death or you I’ll find immediatly.
[Bottom:] The woosel cock so black
of hue,
With orange tawny bill,
The throstle with his note so true.
The wren with little quill.
The finch, the sparrow and the
The plain song cukoo grey,
Whose note full many a man doth
And dares not answer na-a-a-a-y!
[Titania:] I do love thee.
Therefore go with me.
I’ll give thee fairies to attend
on thee.
They will fetch thee jewels from
the deep,
And sing while thou on pressed
flowers dost sleep.
I will purge thy mortal grossness
That thou shalt like an airy spirit
[Fairies:] [Chorus]
-- Act 2 --
[Soloist 3:] Puck, what hast thou
Thou hast mistaken quite.
And laid the love juice on...
On some true lover’s sight!
[Soloist 4:] Puck, of thy mistake
It must perforce ensue
Some true love turned false
And not a false turned true!
[Puck:] I go, I go, oh look how
I go
Swifter than arrow from Tartar’s
[Ensemble:] She goes, oh look how
she goes
Swifter than arrow from Tartar’s
Shrewd and knavish sprite,
Merry wanderer of the night!
[Soloist 3:] Puck, about the wood,
Go swifter than the wind.
Helena of Athens,
Helena look thou find.
[Soloist 4:] Fancy sick she is,
She’s sick and pale of cheer.
Puck, by some illusion,
See that thou bring her here.
[Oberon:] Flower of this purple
Hit with Cupid’s archery,
Sink in apple of his eye!
When his love he doth espy,
Let her shine as gloriously
As the Venus of the sky.
When thou wak’st, if she be by,
Beg of her for remedy.
[Oberon:] Stand aside. The
noise they make
Will cause Demetrius to awake.
[Puck:] Then will two at once woo
That must needs be sport alone.
And those things do best please
That befall prepost’rously.
[Hermia:] That’s it!
Thou un-feeling fickle changeling,
Thou vacant shag-eared remnant
for sooth!
Rank man! The veriest misleader
that ever dared to chew with a tooth!
[Lysander:] Rotten thing, tedious
weak and writhled shrimp! Blunt monster with uncountable heads!
[Hermia:] Um, hedgepig? You
dunghill groom,
A corpse who thinks he’s not dead!
[Lysander:] Valient flea!
[Hermia:] Abject drudge!
[Lysander:] Snipe!
[Hermia:] Dogfish!
[Both:] YOU...
[Ensemble:] Expletive deleted!
It’s a simple game.
Finding diplomatic ways to call
them names.
It’s a shame; it’s all for show,
And I don’t know why the expletive
has been deleted!
[Lysander:] This common customer,
this unbaked and doughy youth
Thinks he’s half the gentleman
I am.
This lily-livered, one-trunk-inheriting
He is the weakest, dullest peasant
in the camp!
[Demetrius:] Thou chaos!
Lewd compounded clay-man! Thou superfluous lacky, you noisome stench!
Indigest-deformed lump, go plead
your grizzled love to that croaking wench!
[Hermia:] Vile worm!
[Demetrius:] Off fragment!
[Lysander:] Hag begone!
[All 3:] YOU...
[Helena:] O stumbling block!
Thou illegitimate construction! Anointed sovereign of sighs and groans!
Kitchen trull! You mere anatomy,
you snail, you simpring, bunchback, jaded JUNIOR drone!
[Hermia:] O, me! You mean-born
mildewed minion! You bawdy brazen breeder of mutts!
[Helena:] O recreant limb!
You are naught but a stuffed cloakbag of guts!
[Hermia:] Dog-hearted daughter!
[Helena:] Slug!
[Demetrius:] Viperous traitor!
[Lysander:] Bug!
[All 4:] YOU...
[Ensemble:] Expletive Deleted!
Obscenity excluded! Profanity
prevented! Scurillity suspended!
Deleted! Excluded! Prevented! Suspended!
[Oberon:] Fierce vexation of a dream.
I release the fairy queen.
Be as thou wast wont to be;
See as thou wast wont to see.
Dian’s bud o’er Cupid’s flow’r
Hath such force and blessed pow’r.
[Theseus:] Oh,
Pyramus and Thisby is the play
we wish to see.
No matter what it is, we want that
So, Players get ye ready for the
first part of the scene,
For Pyramus and Thisby is the play
we wish to see.
The battle of the Centaurs to be
played upon the harp?
[Ensemble:] No!
Riot of the tipsy Baccanals?
[Ensemble:] No way!
Thrice three muses mourning for
the death of learning?
[Ensemble:] No! So!
[Philostrate:] Um...Pyramus and
Thisby is the play they wish to see.
[Bottom:] What?
No matter what it is, they want
your play!
[Bottom:] Oh no!
One small favor though: Please
don’t do any thing obscene, dear,
Pyramus and Thisby is the play
they wish to see.
[Ensemble:] [Chorus]
[Bottom:] Lads, Pyramus and Thisby
is the play they wish to see.
[Snug:] Run!
No matter if it’s bad, they want
our play!
[Rude mechanicals:] Oh no!
So, make your peace with God and
drink up anything that’s free,
For Pyramus and Thisby is the play
they wish to see.
[Rude mechanicals:] [Chorus]
[All others:] [Chorus]
[Hippolyta:] No, no, no,
no, no...
Pyramus and thisby is the play
that troubles me.
In truth, none of the players has
a brain.
So players, skip ye hence right
to the last part of the scene,
For Pyramus and Thisby is the play
that troubles me.
[Ensemble:] [Chorus]
[Puck:] With this field dew
Ev’ry fairy take his gait,
And each sev’ral chamber bless,
Through this palace, with sweet
And the owner of it blest
Ever shall in safety rest.
Trip away; make no stay;
Meet me all by break of day.
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this and all is mended.
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear
And this weak and idle theme
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles do not reprehend.
If you pardon we will mend.
We’ll mend.
And as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to ’scape the serpent’s tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call.
So goodnight unto you all.
Good night.
Give me your hands if we be friends,
Robin shall restore amends.
[Ensemble:] [All in a night’s dream Chorus]
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