(listed in alphabetical order)
Conor Byrne, Theseus
The most critical moment in Conor's experience was getting his part. He said, however, "I had mixed emotions because I had never heard of Theseus." He feels that through this play he has learned to open up to Shakespeare a bit more. Conor is going into 7th grade at SAAS.
With the help of a surgeon he might yet recover, and yet prove an
ass. (Theseus)
Grace Cornell, Helena
Grace had half of Helena's lines memorized before she was cast, so her excitement to get the part was no surprise. She feels her acting and singing skills have increased in a wonderful environment of interesting people. Grace just graduated from SCDS and will be going to Bush.
Lord, what fools these mortals be! (Puck)
Hannah Curtis, Moth and Philostrate
Hannah says, "When I found out I had 9 lines total, I was a bit upset. But as I got into it, and started choreographing and helping out, I started to really like it." She thought the group had a real feeling of to-getherness. Hannah just completed 6th grade at SCDS and will be going to Lakeside.
None but your beauty - would that fault were mine. (Helena)
Sarah Goldblatt, Snout and Stage Manager
Sarah enjoyed playing a "rude mechanical" in addition to being stage manager. She says she has learned much about stage managing and also has made many new friends. She is sure opening night will be the most important moment in this experience for her. Sarah just completed 7th grade at SCDS and will be in the UW's Early Entrance Program.
By all the vows that men have broke, (in a number more than ever women spoke). (Helena)
Eliana Hechter, Peaseblossom
Eliana was happy to get the part she wanted. Her most important moment was the announcement that the fairies would be in the net above the stage. She says, "It was that vision that carried me through to the idea that we would do great." She feels this camp experience has helped her open up and learn to trust. Eliana is going into 7th grade at SCDS.
And forth my mimic comes. (Puck)
David Hessler, Oberon
David juggled the light design and the overwhelming, poetic part of Oberon. He has previous experience with the light board but says his most important moment was when he figured out how it really worked! He'd like to dedicate his performance to his first drama teacher, Mary Pasnani, who first introduced him to Shakespeare. David is going into 10th grade at SAAS.
Welcome wanderer. (Oberon)
Ashley Hoover, Hermia
Upon receiving her part, Ashley was "so excited!" After reading the script, she became even more enthusiastic. Her favorite time was lunchtime, "when we could all just laugh, talk, relax, and get to know each other." Ashley is going into 8th grade at SAAS.
Um, hedgepig? (Hermia)
Mark Hoover, Musical Director
This is the 39th show Mark has done on this stage, but the first he hasn't directed or co-directed. He says, "This has given me the opportunity to step back and see what happens out there without having to make it happen! What's meant the most to me is the combination of great performance and the joy of these performers." Mark teaches at SAAS.
Um, hedgepig? (Hermia)
Jesse P. Howard, Director
Jesse was challenged by writing a 17-song misical! He'd like to thank Mark Hoover for supporting him in this huge endeavor. He says his most important moment came when he introduced the song "Puck!" - the group quickly managed a three-part harmony, and the enthusiasm was palpable. This play has brought a lot of love into his heart because "everyone had space to be just who they are." Jesse teaches at SAAS.
The poet's pen doth give to airy nothing local habitation and a name. (Theseus)
Alexis Lainoff, Quince
Alexis says, "Quince's character is strengthened so much by being with the other 'rude mechanicals,' and it rocks to be comic relief!" She feels she has "really gotten to taste Shakespeare's words...the acting intensifies the Shakespeare experience." Alexis just graduated from SCDS and will be going to SAAS.
Not for thy fairy kingdom. (Titania)
Meagan Mays, Hippolyta
Meagan admits, "At first I wasn't too happy with my part, but then I learned more about the character and now I think it's the best role for me." She felt completely secure with the people around her, and thinks she's gained a much more mature angle on life. Meagan is going into 8th grade at SAAS.
Monsieur Cobweb, good monsieur, get you your weapons in your hand and kill me a red-hipped humblebee on the top of a thistle. (Bottom)
Kelly McDonald, Puck
Kelly says her most important moment was between Jesse's words: "and Puck will be played by..." and "Kelly McDonald." She says, "I don't think I've ever been that happy!" She appreciated the level of honesty and support in the group, which helped her open up to people more. Kelly is going into 9th grade at SAAS.
Lord, what fools these mortals be! (Puck)
Daniel Miller, Demetrius
Daniel says when he got his part he felt "excited ...and surprised!" He says the most important part of his experience was "working with everybody on lines...but it was also fun just to take a break and be goofy!" He feels he can now recite Shakespeare a lot better. Daniel just completed 6th grade at SCDS and will be going to University Prep.
Lord, what fools these mortals be! (Puck)
Nate Mladenovic, Flute
Nate says, "When I got my part, I didn't really know much about my character, but then I really got to know him." His most important moment was "when we successfully finished blocking the show already in the middle of the second week." Nate is going into 8th grade at SAAS.
Nay, faith, let not me play a woman. I have a beard coming. (Flute)
Alice Moore, Starveling and Cobweb
Alice says, "I felt disappointed at first because I didn't have many lines; but as soon as I rehearsed with the 'rude mechanicals,' I realized how cool and funny we were." She also learned "how much people's potential is maximized when they're in a supportive environment." Alice just graduated from SCDS and will be going to Bush.
Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. (Helena)
Sam Russell, Egeus and Snug
Sam says he liked the parts he got because "they really gave me a chance to make them great, even though they were small." The most important part of his experience was "just working with everyone," and he feels it has helped him become a better actor. Sam just completed 6th grade at SCDS and will be going to Lakeside.
Um, hedgepig? (Hermia)
Yelena Shtelen, Titania
Yelena was excited to have the part of Titania although it required a "tremendous amount of work." She felt the group offered tremendous support and believes she's developed a greater sense of positivity. Yelena is going into 9th grade at SAAS.
Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful. (Titania)
Laurel Stewart, Mustardseed
Laurel says, "When I found out I only had 5 lines, I wasn't as excited; but that changed after a few days." She and Jesse composed the duet for her and Hermia, which also added to the challenge of her part. She also likes playing the violin in the show. She thanks all the cast for the great feeling of trust that develped among them. Laurel is going into 7th grade at SCDS.
What is Thisby? A wand'ring knight? (Flute)
Robin Stewart, Lysander
Robin says his greatest challenge was "acting not one but two kinds of love." His appreciation for Shakespeare has increased: "I always thought it was pointless and silly to take 5 minutes to tell the audience the sun is rising, and now. . . I still think it's silly, but I understand the point is to hear the beautiful language." Robin graduated from SCDS in 1998 and is going into 10th grade at Lakeside.
You have your father's love, Demetrius; let me have Hermia's: do you marry him. (Lysander)
Keenan Sullivan, Bottom
Keenan says when he got his part, at first he felt great; but then he saw how many lines he had! He says the most important moment for him was "when I realized I was really far behind but pulled myself together." He feels this camp has helped him realize that he has to "start soon and not procrastinate." Keenan is going into 8th grade at SAAS.
Na-a-a-a-a-ay. (Bottom)
SAAS = Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences
SCDS = Seattle Country Day School
Site designed and maintained by Robin