Tedious Brief Theatre Company presents

A Midsummer Night's Dream - The Musical!

The Cast, Crew, and Band

Welcome to the Midsummer Night's Dream website! This is basically a place to reminisce about the show, or to see what it was all about if you weren't in it or didn't see it. The main section of the site is the picture gallery, which has been vastly expanded to 9 pages of full-color shots from the show. In the Cast section, you can see who was in the show and what they have to say about it. You can also read all of the song lyrics, which is quite fun. And for a preview of the songs, you can listen to a few of them in mp3 format.
If you have any questions or comments about the site, or if you want me to add something, or whatever, email tediousbrief@mail.com.

The surprise cast/CD party for Jesse (on October 30, 1999) was a great success!  Thanks to everyone for making it great!

Try taking the Midsummer Night's Dream Food Quiz!

Check it out! ExpletiveDeleted: It's a Simple Game

Site designed and maintained by Robin Stewart
Part of TediousBrief.com