Bios and Favorite Lines

Molly Arkin
(Ensemble) Molly has enjoyed being a dance captain, and feels she has worked harder during this production than in any other. She has learned how to be more selfless and helpful.
"He ordered up a rainbow to go!" -Ronettes

Laura Aylward (Ronette, Cast B) Laura’s thrilled to get to work with such talented people who love each other so much. She’s learned that getting frustrated just wastes time, especially when learning three part harmony.

"…While he’s gassing himself to a palpable stupor" -Seymour

Nick Bayne (Mushnik, Cast A) Nick has learned "How to associate positivity with people that I might not usually hang out with." He is having a lot of fun doing everything that there is to do.

"Don’t you Mr. Daddy me, Krelborn" -Mr. Mushnik

Leah Bromet (Audrey, Cast A) Leah’s favorite things about summerstage are "saying ‘ous’ all the time and harmonizing in that incredible way we do." She likes making others smile and says it’s hard for her not to "smile every waking moment." "Summerstage itself is the best possible experience I could have. There is no way I could narrow down these god-like experiences that I encounter everyday..."

"Y’ know the kinda eats, the kinda red hot treats, the kinda sticky, licky sweets I CRAAAAAAVE!" -Audrey II

Alex Bush (Ensemble, Props) Alex has learned, through props, that people are more helpful "when they see someone who is organized and/or prepared." Her biggest challenge was accepting being a chorus member &emdash; but now that they have the dentist dance, it’s all okay.

"I keep asking God what I’m for, and he tells me ‘gee, I’m not sure’." -Seymour

Grace Cornell (Chiffon, Cast A) Grace "never expected having to work so hard on singing difficult harmonies" and taking care of her voice. She also realized that "it’s incredibly valuable to have a partner cast in the same role." "I love the dance rehearsals, the time we’ve had to work with other cast members in our free time, and, of course, the stories."

"Ooooh, took his dollar!" -Chiffon

Zac Dillon (Seymour, Cast A) Zac has enjoyed being able to be totally serious about what he loves to do while also having fun. He likes "the rush that comes with singing with others" and has learned that "doing things that scare me usually end up to helping me in some way."

"If I had a mother she’d be so happy." &endash; Seymour

Kirsten Geier (Choreographer) Although "twenty-seven kids on stage at the same time was sometimes an overwhelming experience." Kirsten’s favorite moments were cast members asking, "Can we do it again?" She also enjoyed watching Jesse teach music. She learned "that sometimes you have to hit your head into a brick wall before seeing the unlocked door just to your left."

"I swear on all my spores when he’s gone, the world will be yours." -Audrey II

Sarah Goldblatt (Assistant Director, Stage Manager)Sarah enjoyed "sharing the fun and the stress and the crying with such awesome people." She’s learned to "enjoy each moment for its uniqueness" because she knows she’ll remember and wish she had lived it more.

"Which was essentially to… eat Cleveland" -Company

Jack Guthrie (Mushnik, Cast B) Jack says that singing with others and listening to the whole company sing are his favorite parts of summerstage. He’s learned to not take the production, or himself, too seriously.

"You ate the only thing I ever loved!" -Seymour

Morgan Harris (Snip, Luce, Bernstein, Cast A, Asst. Puppeteer) Morgan enjoys the singing and the community atmosphere. He says he’s learned a lot about many different aspects of theatre and the hardest thing he’s done was learning lines and blocking.

"When I die, which should be very shortly..." -Audrey

Eliana Hechter,(Ensemble, Costumes) To Eliana, the best thing about summerstage is that "every day, some of the most wonderful kids in Seattle conquer a challenge together." One of the challenges she conquered was dancing more than she’d ever done before. She likes "the intensity of the experience" and "a moment when our group is really together in every way."

"You ate the only thing I ever loved!" -Seymour

Ashley Hoover (Crystal, Cast B) Ashley learned that "the majority of struggling is in your own mind. You can change the whole feeling of a day if you really think you can." She enjoys Friday’s down time when the notion is reinforced that "you don’t want to be anywhere but summerstage."

"It’s nice to meet me, the pleasure is yours." -Skip Snip

Jesse Howard (Director/Musical Director) For the past eight years Jesse has taught theatre, music, and film to children in addition to making his first feature-length film, The Trouble With Boys and Girls. What he likes most about Summerstage is that it is a "genuine experience, the real deal, people pushed to the edges of their potential."

"There must be someone you can eighty-six real quiet like and get me some lunch!" -Audrey II

Winslow Johnson (Orin, The Dentist, Cast B) "Listening to Jesse’s stories is my favorite thing that we do in Summerstage!" says Winslow. Singing the harmonies in songs were the most challenging thing for him.

"Tough titty." -Audrey II

Daniel Keebler (Voice of Audrey II, Cast B) "Bonding" has been Dan’s best Summerstage experience. He’s learned to say "Yes" to mistakes. And his favorite thing we do in Summerstage is "love." "

"It’s just the gas" -The Dentist

Alexis Lainoff (Costumes, Backstage Manager, Asst. Puppeteer, 2nd Ensemble) Being a full-on techie, Alexis really got to observe everyone and everything, noticing how hard EVERYONE works. She feels that she now appreciates "how sacred we hold one another; how much we respect each other’s well-being."

"Here he is girls, the leader of the plaque." - Ronette

Meagan Mays (Snip, Luce, Bernstein - Cast B, Asst. Puppeteer) Meagan’s biggest challenge was focusing and not being distracted. "There are way too many kewl kids here." She likes to sit in the halls and giggle with other people.

"There’s plastic on our furniture to keep it neat and clean In the pine-sol scented air, somewhere that’s green." -Audrey

Kelly McDonald (Ronette, Cast A) Kelly found the shows harmonies challenging although having a partner to learn it with made it a whole lot easier. She like the "unique energy of auditions that came from the lack of prep for them."

"Are you a little nervous about seing a dentist?" -Orin

Ellen Miller (Crystal, Cast A) Ellen has enjoyed seeing people "accomplish things that made them uncomfortable" and likes how everyone is "so awesome and supportive." She’s also learned to love the feeling of exhaustion after an accomplishment.

"And what kinda place is that honey, an emergency room?" -Crystal

Alice Moore (Ensemble, Lighting) Alice learned that when harmonizing "I have to sing out with confidence or I lose my part". She enjoyed when a new dance had been taught and everyone was excited.

"There must be someone you could eighty-six real quiet like." -Audrey II

Reagan Mouritsen (Ensemble , Set dressing) Reagan’s biggest challenge was singing and dancing at the same time. The play has taught her "how much material a group of people can learn in a really short time."

"I feel guilty, I guess. I mean, if he met with foul play or some terrible accident of some kind... then it’s partly my fault, you see. Because secretly... I wished it." - Audrey

Jill Muscatel (Audrey, Cast B) Jill’s biggest challenge was believing in herself, and getting over the sometimes overwhelming feeling of being Audrey. She has learned that giving love is just as wonderful as receiving it and she enjoyed getting to know lots of new people this year.

"No shit, sherlock!" - Plant

Paige Pauli (Dance Captain, Ensemble) Paige says that her best Summerstage experience has been seeing the dance that she and Molly choreographed for the first time. She’s learned to be patient when teaching people dances.

"And she ain’t talkin’ ‘bout George Washington Carver." -Crystal

Sam Russell (Orin, The Dentist, Cast A) Sam likes being challenged to "move above and beyond where we are comfortable, enabling us to behold new horizons and expand upon our talents." For him, this was learning how to sing well, and become comfortable doing so.

"Cute name, catchy, nice plant, big." -Orin

Laurel Stewart (Chiffon, Cast B) Laurel thinks the best thing about being at summerstage is "the fact that we exist. It feels so good to come here every day." Difficulty temporarily struck when her "brain reached peak capacity" learning dance choreography. Her favorite experience has been when the Ronettes nail a harmony.

"Just me. And the toaster." - Audrey

Robin Stewart (Backstage Manager, Lighting, Asst. Puppeteer, 2nd Ensemble) Helping people learn their singing and dance parts were among Robin’s best experiences this year. He’s learned that "sometimes you have to be firm with people. They thank you for it later." He likes that "people here are comfortable touching each other without making a big deal about it"

"Feed me all night long!" -Audrey II

Keenan Sullivan (Seymour, Cast B) Keenan likes when Jesse talks to the cast in an inspiring way. He loves "being with the people I really care for" and has found that he has to "be there for everyone else and not lose any slack."

"No, and you ain’t in Kansas neither." -Audrey II

Quinn Thomsen (Master Puppeteer)The sheer weight of the puppets was Quinn’s biggest challenge. He enjoyed chatting at lunch and loves summerstage because it’s "such an exciting departure from normal life. Here’s to foreverstage." "I’m still amused by the damage some of the boys accidently did to my key ring during a small incident of fun physical aggression"

"... but it’s true, isn’t it?" -Audrey II

Sam C. Yawitz (Voice of Audrey II, Cast A) Sam's favorite things are singing choral harmony and working with Jesse. He likes having the chance to work with people he doesn't go to school with and feels he has re-learned "how to have blind faith in a show."


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