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Added on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 8:05 PM
Location: My attic!
Relation to T.B.T.C.: *sigh
i just got back from the second day of vocal auditions, and yikes. (for people who don't go to saas, the upper school vocal ensembles had their auditions this week). Neway... we had to do a bunch of work with solfege and stuff, and i was sitting their trying to sight-sing, and all of a sudden i got this deja-vu thing from summerstage when like all of us were sitting in the lobby doing solfege and trying to figure out our notes, so all you could hear was random musical.. um... musings. lolz. well i miss everyone so much, and i can't wait till july 28th! adios :)

Added on Sunday, April 14, 2002 12:49 AM
Location: my home
Relation to T.B.T.C.: yupyup
well, i just got back from mexico. i hu-ed a bunch on the plane and did breathing exercises, gaining me plenty of strange looks from other passengers. i got home from a trip to ashland on the 4th, and found the [cast a] video on my dining room table. i immediately shredded open the package and ran downstairs to watch it. wow. it was such a great experience re-experiencing it all, if that makes any sense, haha. i got so happy watching it and remembering all the fun we had. ooh, what a great show it was. love you all.

Added on Tuesday, April 9, 2002 1:14 PM
Location: About to head to class...
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Hehehe.
I watched the Cast A video the night before last, and can I say it rocked? Thank you. It rocked. I hadn't heard some of the stuff on there since the last performance, since it's not on the CD. The video is great! And I miss everyone, of course. Hey! I even made it into the video, if you look closely enough. : )

Added on Friday, April 5, 2002 12:30 AM
Location: Home
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Duh!
I just watched the Cast B video. Oh my. Great job. I was so excited to finally see the last half of the show! Over all I am as happy as a very happy person with and extra special reason to be happy. Bonus points for the assistant puppeteers, I had no idea how cool the arms looked!!

Added on Thursday, February 14, 2002 9:58 PM
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I am proud to belong!
Yesterday's musings. I turned on the Romeo and Juliet CD for nostalgia's sake. I know that I have told many of you that last year was my last summerstage, but the chorus of voices of the people I love best in the world made me change my mind. Perhaps it was a whim, but it felt predestined. I have made a lot of stupid decisions, and spent many too many days of summerstage being angry with the people I love best. Yesterday, when I listened to the beginning of the CD, I got "that jazzy feeling". The very fact that those were the precise words that entered my mind at that moment caused me to reconsider my actions, and to feel guilty for each day that was so wasted. I hope that those of you with whom I will rejoice next summer at the pinnacle Summerstage can have the heart to forgive me. All my love. P.S. I am forsaking a foreign exchange immersion program in Costa Rica in order to come - that's how much I love you guys.

Added on Monday, October 1, 2001 1:45 PM
Location: I'm at school
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I'm not telling you
I was working on making a video of stuff I've worked on for my dad and my Grandma, and so I was watching Midsummers and R&J. So that made me feel all close to everyone. Not to mention that the fight scenes were so very cool.

Added on Monday, October 1, 2001 1:42 PM
Location: I'm at school
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I'm not telling you

Added on Tuesday, September 4, 2001 7:05 PM
Shar & Mel Leventhal    
Location: Los Angeles
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Grandparents Sarah G
Congratulations to you all, we got great reports from Joan and sister Nancy. Looking forward to watching the video.

Added on Friday, August 31, 2001 4:07 PM
Joan Goldblatt    
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Mom
Thank you to everyone who attended the show. Over 550 people enjoyed the performances!!! A tedious brief/clothespin record. Thank you to Chris Mays from THE MOUNTAIN for the incredible spots, to Robin Stewart for creating and maintaining this fabulous web site, to Carol and Mike Dillon for setting up the KOMO spot (and inviting celebrities to our show), and to Aaron Murray (aka Murr) for adding the appropriate Ds per SI to the incredible poster.

Added on Wednesday, August 29, 2001 2:10 AM
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I was in R&J
You guys were AMAZING!!!! I am so proud of all of you, I cant even tell you guys how happy I was to see all of you again, send me emails if you get a chance! Lots of love! Julia P.S. Robin, great job on the site!

Added on Monday, August 27, 2001 2:25 AM
paige (again)    
Relation to T.B.T.C.:  
haha, i just remembered something that really had me cracking up tonight: "tomorrow morning, you-know-who gets dusted!" ~keenan sullivan, as seymour going nuts (actual line: " bites the dust!" i luv ya keenan!)

Added on Monday, August 27, 2001 2:21 AM
Location: seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: i'm part of it!
i just got home from finishing up the last performance of LSOH. i've had such an amazing experience. i just want to tell all of you how much i love you and that i'm so incredibly sad this is over. i can't wait to see you all tomorrow at the strike and the cast party! remember to finish you howard awards!!! yay! jesse, i can't wait to see you as seymour! see you all soon! much love, paige

Added on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 12:13 AM
Rachel Popkin (acheyboo...)    
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: ex-SCDS Thespian
Wow! As always, nice website Robin. The show looks super-duper wonderful, and I'm excited to see it! (I'll be coming Sunday afternoon.) Rachel PS. I just heard your spot on The Mountian. Who did the voiceover? I didn't recognize the voice, so maybe it's someone I don't know... or maybe my radio is a piece of crap. Hrm. Anyway, I'll see you all on Sunday! Break a leg!

Added on Monday, August 13, 2001 10:23 PM
Audrey II, i mean Keebler    
Location: Mercer Island
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Duh!
uuuuh, oh yeah. Robin, this site is should add a little forum thingy. Thats my $0.02 Shalom.

Added on Friday, August 10, 2001 9:05 PM
nick tapley    
Relation to T.B.T.C.:  
umm i noticed i forgot some ppl sorry

Added on Friday, August 10, 2001 8:48 PM
nick tapley    
Location: home
Relation to T.B.T.C.: through paige
shout out to keenan, ashley, paige, meagan, reagan, and of course jesse. sup all im bying tickets for ur show so ill see yall on the saturday show lata <;)

Added on Tuesday, August 7, 2001 9:01 PM
Location: Queen Anne!
Relation to T.B.T.C.: jesse, and it's 'da coolest thing around!
wow! we got our parts today, and i'm sure almost everyone had a great time finding out! yowch... how suspensful it wuz waiting! this is so much fun and the people all rock! See ya'll tomorrow!

Added on Monday, August 6, 2001 10:33 PM
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I belong!
We just did auditions today for LSOH, and waiting for the cast list is always an anxious time. An uncast actor never sleeps. . . I just wanted everyone to know what an awesome time I had today. I feel honored to be part of such an enthusiastic, fearless, and loving group of people. It's great to be able to post up messages. Thanks, Robin, for this great website! I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Are you going to post the cast list on the website? All my love, E

Added on Saturday, August 4, 2001 5:18 PM
Zac Dillon    
Location: Lynnwood
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Because Jesse P. Howard is cool
No, Molly. What does "Arkins" mean? "Little Shop of Horrors" is gonna be so cool. I'm giddy with anticipation. "Don't be fooled if I should giggle like a sappy happy dope, it's just the gas. It's got me high."

Added on Friday, August 3, 2001 2:37 AM
Location: ARKINS (Iknow you all know what that means)
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I'm a part of it!!!!!
I'm getting very excited to see everyone, and start summerstage again, this time as not so much of a newcomer. But to all of you first timers out there, it's a blast, as if you can't tell that already!!!!!!! See all of you very soon

Added on Saturday, July 21, 2001 5:17 PM
Jesse, the Plant-Eating Man    
Location: at home
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Um...
I just wanted to tell all TBTC members AND visitors to the site that we are really looking forward to getting this year's show off the ground. I truly can't wait to see what you all do! We have a new space this year, some new tools, new folks, and most of all, new energy!!! What! HO! (You know the rest...)

Added on Thursday, July 19, 2001 2:20 AM
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Thespian and upcoming Stage Manager
Well, well, well. Summerstage is nearly upon us, and I for one am totally stoked for it to get here. Things are starting up, getting exciting, and this year promises to be the best yet. With our new theatre (though who won't miss the Satellite?), new play (sorry, Will) and some new TBTC members, I can't wait to get in there and start rehearsing! See you all in...19 days. Bright and early. Hugs to everyone! Sarah

Added on Monday, July 9, 2001 11:14 AM
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Duh
Robin, you are the man.

Added on Monday, June 25, 2001 8:17 PM
Joan Goldblatt    
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: As a parent of a TBTC thespian
Am I the first parent in the guestbook??? I've volunteered to coordinate the publicity for Little Shop of Horrors. Wouldn't it be outrageous to sell out four shows?! This web site will really help let people know what TBTC is all about. If anyone has any publicity contacts, or ideas for letting people know about the show, please give me (or Sarah G.) a holler.

Added on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 12:44 AM
Location: Seattle
Relation to T.B.T.C.: I'm in it!
Robin, the site looks amazing! Thank you so much for doing all of this. Everybody who was at the premier, it was great seeing you! Jesse, your movie was wonderful!

Added on Saturday, May 19, 2001 3:47 PM
Robin Stewart    
Location: Seattle, WA
Relation to T.B.T.C.: Webmaster, cast member
Hi everyone! Welcome to the brand new guestbook, running completely in our server so that we have complete control over it. It's really too bad that we lost all of the entries from the previous guestbook, but with the new setup that will never happen again. Have fun and I hope to see you soon!
P.S. If you know html you can do funky stuff like this!


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