In one sense, the knowledge economy (also called
the “knowledge-based economy” or the “information
economy”) refers to a historical trend. During the last several
hundred years, the primary source of wealth has progressed from natural
assets such as land resources to increasingly technological assets
like factories and equipment. More recently, the primary source of
wealth in many industries is becoming knowledge itself (Dunning 2000:
8). One example is the percentage of “value added in US manufacturing
industries” stemming from “knowledge” increased
from 20% in the 1950’s to 70% in 1995 (Dunning 2000: 8). In
addition, the rate of innovation has sped up dramatically. This trend
is quite obvious to all consumers: advertising continually showcases
new products and fashions. Home entertainment has progressed from
mechanical instruments to cassette tapes, compact discs, DVDs and
video games (O’Brian and Williams 2004: 177). Computer processing
speeds have been increasing exponentially for the past 40 years and
show no signs of slowing (Kurzweil 2000). Even the most basic-seeming
industries increasingly employ innovation. For instance, agricultural
crops are being genetically modified for desirable harvesting traits
(Goff and Salmeron 2004) and information technology is becoming ubiquitous
in virtually all industries.
The result of all this has been a change from the classical economic
principle that “the generation of extra profit [following an
innovation] is implicitly assumed to happen against the background
of some initial
equilibrium position” (Cooper 1994: 3). Instead, especially
in high-technology industries, innovations occur so frequently that
market is never in equilibrium. Indeed, “competition is about
creating a stream of disequilibrium situations, in which there are
quasi-monopolistic rents” (Cooper 1994: 6). This means that
in order to compete, companies must produce a continuing stream of
innovation with which
they can occasionally gain these monopolistic profits. There are several
tenets of “innovation theory” which are important in maintaining
this type of economy. First, the accumulation of past ideas will both
improve a company’s ability to innovate and affect the direction
of future innovations. Second, a mechanism for protecting the monopoly
associated with new technology needs to exist for companies to go
to the effort of research and development. This protection can be
in the
form of patents, secrecy, or simply the lag time for competitors to
catch up (Cooper 1994: 7-9). Third, “lesser” activities
such as adaptation, imitation, and “reverse-engineering” are
also forms of innovation and thus the above findings apply to them
as well (Radosevic 1999: 18).
It is important that the distinction
be drawn between two meanings associated with the knowledge economy.
The meaning which has been
dealt with directly
above is the economics of creating knowledge, which looks to analyse
the increasing importance of innovation. The other is the economics
of information technology, which concerns the specific technologies
which aid in creating, managing, and transmitting information. Clearly
the two are linked in that information technologies play a large
role in aiding innovation and innovation constantly improves information
technologies. But while it is true that information technologies
are “pervasive
tools of global impact with wide applications and growing potential” (UNESC
2003: 4), they are just one part of the changing infrastructure
necessary for successful competition in the knowledge economy. For
without electricity they are not relevant, and without information
they are
not useful. To emphasize the more fundamental importance of the
creation of knowledge I use the term “innovation economy.”
of the world is not so fortunate to have centres of active research
and development going on, or even basic infrastructure
like water
and electricity. These less-developed countries (LDCs) are defined
by their
position significantly behind the most advanced countries in terms
of living standards, infrastructure, and thus the capability for
innovating. If LDCs cannot innovate by themselves, how can they
meaningfully compete
in the global economy? One option, of course, is to not participate
at all; but the assumption here is that LDCs are looking to break
of this protectionist strategy in favour of the potential benefits
of foreign trade. The alternative, of course, is for technology
to be “transferred” to
LDCs from the more developed countries. Indeed, Radosevic finds
that “the
more a country is lagging behind the technological frontier the
more it has to rely on foreign knowledge and the import of technology
equipment, machinery, licences or through copying” (1999:
3). However, there has been considerable debate over many facets
of technology
transfer, including the definition of technology, the characteristics
of innovation, and ultimately the extent to which technology “spillovers” actually
The Encyclopedia of International Political Economy points
out that “’technology’ is
now an imprecise term used in a number of ways by political economists” (May
2001: 1553). A good general definition is “the application
of science... to industrial or commercial objectives” (Technology
2000). Many researchers differentiate between “information” (or
codified knowledge) and “tacit knowledge” (or expertise)
as two aspects of technology. For Radosevic, information is marked
by ease of transfer and the sense of being static and universal,
tacit knowledge is firm-specific, difficult to transfer, and implies
a capability to innovate (1999: 16). Both are integral facets
of technology, but have different implications for transferability.
In particular,
the ability to easiliy transmit information across the Internet
should not be confused with the capability to use that information
for production
or further innovation. Both of these facets must be somehow transferred
to LDCs if they are to be of any significant use. |